SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Democratic Leaders Agree on Overhaul of Lobbying

New York Times

WASHINGTON, July 27 — Congressional Democrats reached tentative agreement Friday night on a major overhaul of lobbying rules that would for the first time require lawmakers to identify lobbyists who assemble multiple donations and turn them over to candidates.

The disclosure of what is known in political circles as bundling would be a central element of the first major changes made in lobbying rules in the aftermath of the Jack Abramoff scandal and other Congressional corruption cases tied to lobbying.

Democrats, who intend to push the changes through Congress next week, say the bundling disclosure requirement and a number of other changes would shed new light on the relationship between lawmakers and those who seek to sway them on legislation.

“This rewrites the rules as it relates to lobbyists and their influence on Washington,” said Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, chairman of the Democratic Caucus and an advocate for the changes.

Democrats, who campaigned against what they called a “culture of corruption” in taking control of the House and Senate last year, are eager to finish the package next week as part of their drive to counter Republican accusations that Democrats are making little legislative headway.

Negotiators for the House and Senate Democratic leadership engaged in talks throughout the day Friday in an effort to reach final agreement on the long-delayed bill. They hit a last-minute snag over the level of bundled donations that would set off disclosure by the House and Senate campaign committees.

(Continued here.)


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