SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Conservative constitutional scholar calls for impeachment

Legal scholar Bruce Fein wrote the original articles of impeachment against Bill Clinton. He says that what Bush and Cheney are doing is far worse.

Impeach Cheney

The vice president has run utterly amok and must be stopped.

By Bruce Fein
Slate, Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Under Dick Cheney, the office of the vice president has been transformed from a tiny acorn into an unprecedented giant oak. In grasping and exercising presidential powers, Cheney has dulled political accountability and concocted theories for evading the law and Constitution that would have embarrassed King George III. The most recent invention we know of is the vice president's insistence that an executive order governing the handling of classified information in the executive branch does not reach his office because he also serves as president of the Senate. In other words, the vice president is a unique legislative-executive creature standing above and beyond the Constitution. The House judiciary committee should commence an impeachment inquiry. As Alexander Hamilton advised in the Federalist Papers, an impeachable offense is a political crime against the nation. Cheney's multiple crimes against the Constitution clearly qualify.

Take the vice president's preposterous theory that his office is outside the executive branch because it also exercises a legislative function. The same can be said of the president, who also exercises a legislative function in signing or vetoing bills passed by Congress. Under Cheney's bizarre reasoning, President Bush is not part of his own administration: The executive branch becomes acephalous. Today Cheney Chief of Staff David Addington refused to renounce that reasoning, instead laughably trying to diminish the importance of the legal question at issue.
The rest is here.

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Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

I can't help but laugh at the foaming at the mouth of the left over Cheney's comment that th VP is not part of the administration. Apparently the left doens't have the same sense of humor that Cheney does - knowing full well his comments would send the left in to a scrunched-faced, bleary-eyed apoplexia that this piece clearly indicates.

But, I'll ask the question I have asked previously - what 'high crimes and misdemeanors' have Bush and committed? Secret meetings and failed foreign policy don't rise to the level of impeachment nor do tongue-in-cheek comments or stubborness in the face of poor decision-making.

As I have mentioned here before even the secret wiretapping and the treatment of prisoners at Gitmo and the separate legal system for enemy combatants are such legal grey areas, it's hard to make an impeachment case because our laws don't concretely deal with the fallout from the Islamic terrorist attacks on 9/11.

But, I have a suspicion that impeachment is more payback for the Clinton impeachment than grounded in absolute legal malfeasance.

9:04 PM  

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