SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, June 24, 2007

SICKO Is Boffo

by David Corn
from The Nation

In 1971, Edgar Kaiser, the son of the founder of Kaiser Permanente, one of the first big HMOs, went to see John Ehrlichman, a top aide to President Nixon, to lobby the Nixon White House to pass legislation that would expand the market for health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Ehrlichman reported this conversation to Nixon on February 17, 1971. The discussion, which was taped, went like this:
Ehrlichman: I had Edgar Kaiser come in…talk to me about this and I went into it in some depth. All the incentives are toward less medical care, because the less care they give them, the more money they make.

President Nixon: Fine.
The next day, Nixon publicly announced he would be pushing legislation that would provide Americans “the finest health care in the world.”

When tapes of the Nixon-Ehrlichman conversation and Nixon’s subsequent public statement are played halfway through Michael Moore’s new movie SiCKO, it is one of the film’s more revealing moments. By this point in the film, Moore has already demonstrated that health insurance companies and HMOs are parasitic villains that routinely deny necessary medical care to make more bucks–even when their money-grubbing leads to the death of patients. Looking for the original sin that led to the present mess, Moore zeroes in on this Nixonian moment, which encapsulates the film’s premise that the United States health care system is defined by a fundamental conflict: profit versus care, and–no surprise–profit beats care.

Moore makes this point magnificently in SiCKO, which is the best film in the Moore canon. I say this as one who had a mixed reaction to Fahrenheit 9/11. (See here.) This time around, Moore has crafted a tour de force that his enemies will have a tough time blasting (though they will still try). It’s not as tendentious as his earlier works. It posits no conspiracy theories. The film skillfully blends straight comedy, black humor, tragedy, and advocacy. You laugh, you cry–literally. And you get mad.

(Continued here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

Here’s a little Sicko story that doesn’t deal with the Health Care Industry directly, but does question how well the Federal Government protects our health.

Last week, it was
reported that a second study was done that showed aspartame – widely used in soft drinks – might cause leukemia, lymphoma and breast cancer in rats.

Today it seems that whenever there is a new scientific study, we need to question the motivation of the researcher and who paid for the research. So, I suppose that people will attack this study (I do not know who sponsored these studies) … but then again it is fair to consider how aspartame went from being listed by the Pentagon as a biochemical warfare agent to the FDA changing the size of the review panel until it was determined to be acceptable for use in consumer products. And what was Don Rumsfeld’s involvement ?

7:39 AM  

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