SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, Sam Bowie, whatever

from TBogg

Former Senator Fred Thompson has an official website called: I'm With Fred, the express purpose of which is to lay the groundwork for his run for the Presidency once he gets done with sitting on the front porch and whittling and finally moseys on into town to file papers with the county recorder or some other act suitably bucolic enough to make Chris Matthews swoon. In the meantime, the website needs to built up his authentic folksy credibility and what better way to sell Fred Dalton Thompson than to equate him to famous Americans in the past who, when duty called, responded with greatness.From Fred's official bio:

In March 2002, in the aftermath of the loss of his adult daughter, Senator Thompson announced that he would not seek re-election to the Senate. He has two sons who live in Nashville. He retired with an 86% American Conservative Union rating and a 100% rating from National Right to Life.

Divorced in 1985, he remarried in 2001. He and Jeri have a three-and-a-half year old daughter, and a seven-month old son.

In the tradition of Daniel Boone of Tennessee and President George Washington, citizen-legislators and leaders Thompson had admired growing up, he walked away from an easy reelection victory to seek new challenges.

One small problem...

(Continued here.)


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