SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Trying to make sense....

Dear Diary, I'm so confused.

I know that George W. Bush is a Man of God, and that he talks to God all the time. And he says God talks to him, too. In fact, it was God who told him to strike at Saddam Hussein, he said.

But this Osama bin Laden guy keeps saying that God talks to him, and that God told him to strike at the U.S. That's why we were attacked on 9/11, and on other occasions as well.

Why does God keep telling people to kill other people? Why can't God do it himself?

Then there are these holy men like Jerry Falwell who also talk to God and say the end of the world is now occurring. They know because of what is happening in the Middle East, and say that God and America will protect Israel. Does God really want that bad leader of Venezuela killed, the one who doesn't like our President, as Pat Robertson said?

But then there are other confusing stories. I've heard that our Vice President talks to the devil (or maybe that he is the devil, I can't remember right now).

It is all very complicated, but I wish God would make up his mind. I don't think all this fighting is good.


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