SMRs and AMRs

Friday, June 30, 2006

The Bush record

by Tom Maertens

After five years in office, George Bush has compiled an astonishing record.

He mislead the country about the terrorist attack of 9/11 and WMD to ‘make an example’ of Saddam. While Bush was hyping WMD to drag us into a quagmire, North Korea and Iran actually were developing nukes, and Afghanistan, which is again under threat from the Taliban, now grows 87% of the world’s opium.

Bush also manipulated fear of terrorism to shred the Constitution, illegally wiretapping Americans and authorizing domestic spying by the CIA and the military on peaceful protest groups.

Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy forced Congress to raise the national debt ceiling again this year, by $781 billion. That makes $3 trillion more debt in 5 years. He also tried, in a campaign supported by the 18 richest families in America, to repeal the estate tax, which affects only the wealthiest ½ of one percent.

Bush and his corrupt cronies put the government up for sale to Jack Abramoff and other lobbyists who not only wrote Bush’s energy policy in secret, but control many regulatory agencies. They have gutted the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts and reversed over 400 environmental regulations while passing government handouts to Big Oil, coal, and mining interests.

This administration has actively distorted scientific findings for political purposes -- on global warming, AIDS, birth control and stem-cell research -- while promoting the pseudoscientific Intelligent Design. And you can be sure they will dispute recent research suggesting homosexuality is genetic, not a ‘choice.’

This all happened because Republican lapdogs in Congress, such as Gil Gutkecht and Mark Kennedy, rubberstamp anything Bush wants.

Had enough yet?

(An edited version of this appeared in the Mankato Free Press June 29.)


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