SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rage Redux: Changing Channels


Let’s discuss the George W. Bush presidential library.

I am doing this as a public service. Our howling about government bailouts has sent Congress into a panic attack that’s getting out of hand. The White House economic team may not be all we hoped for, but let them work in peace for a few days without having to worry that some legislator in search of outrage creds is going to crash through the window and bite Tim Geithner on the ankle.

President Obama has asked us to direct our anger into constructive channels, and his loyal supporters are planning to get together over the weekend to collect signatures on petitions asking Congress to pass his budget. That certainly sounds like fun, but not really what I envision when I think of a rage channel.

A change of topic is required. We have tried to divert you with the story about the former “Project Runway” contestant who was arrested for assaulting her ex-boyfriend with a cat and Michelle Obama’s plan to plant rutabagas on the White House lawn. The president is even playing the dog card again. But nothing seems to work.

So let’s contemplate that library, which is more properly called the George W. Bush Presidential Center. A nonprofit foundation is trying to raise $300 million in tax-deductible donations for a huge complex on 25 acres at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Groundbreaking is scheduled for this fall.

(More here.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the amusement park/carnival theme for the GWB library ... how abut building a virtual one on the web where we can interact in various activities. My guess ... most popular will be the shoe toss to knock down little replicas of GWB ... although the guess-my-weight game for Wall Street fat-cats where you break the bank and walk away with a million worthless bucks if you fool the experts might be quite popular too.

2:20 PM  

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